Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Silly Season

Well, after a summer of escaping into the world of Tennis it is time to get back into the "real world"......and what a mess it is! I really didn't think that matters could get much worse but when I see and hear some of the candidates for the U.S. Senate it is clear that the inmates have taken over the asylum! 

We are now entering the silly season, AKA pre-election campaigning. We must go through a daily barrage of political half-truths and some downright lies by those who want our votes. Every hour of every day these ads are in our face and there seemed to be no escape but one......our Churches. However, now thanks to the Alliance Defence Group even that last refuge from all that blather, would vanish! This misbegotten group would have it that Pastors and other clergymen could not only campaign for candidates but allow them to be guest speakers to their congregations all the while maintaining the Churches' tax exempt status! This is so wrong,on so many levels that I hope and pray it gets the fate it deserves!! The purpose of a Church is to offer solace in times of despair and to offer hope by the words of The Almighty.!

~ Comments by Skazski

A Republican Myth

The greatest myth of all.....the Republicans Pledge to America....they claim that thousands of jobs will be saved by cutting taxes and by cutting spending.
Statistics show otherwise. Their tax cuts would only benefit about 4% of the population,who pay the same taxes on millions of dollars as those who earn less than a quarter of that amount... and by cutting spending on such items as repairing /expanding our infrastucture, health care and the environment jobs will be sharply decreased....a situation that we cannot afford in this difficult economic climate.

~ Comments by Skazski

Bechtel, Just a Small Mom n' Pop Store

A finding in a recent investigative report on Tax Law and the definition of a "small business" was a shocker! One would think that a small business was the Mom N' Pop store in the neighborhood,or the family run hardware store...but, refers to the least number of owners, even if it is a megacorporation (i.e.Bechtel) and rakes in profits of millions of dollars a year ! Equality under the law? I think not! And we have the audacity to call ourselves a "democratic" country....Ha!

~ Comments by Skazski